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EU AI Act: what HR leaders need to know
Picture this: You’re scrolling through your emails, dodging spam and endless requests, when you stumble upon an urgent memo titl...

Massachusetts’ pay transparency law: all you need to know
The labor market is increasingly emphasizing transparency, with Massachusetts becoming the latest state to enact comprehensive p...

U.S. regulations on hiring with AI: a state-by-state guide
AI tools bring efficiency and objectivity, from resume screening algorithms to interview chatbots. However, they also raise crit...

Compliance in AI for recruitment
Generative AI lets recruiters efficiently handle large volumes of applicants and pay more individual attention to each candidate...

Your coronavirus HR response plan: 10 things to know
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has everyone on edge. Its reach goes beyond the virus itself – Google, Facebook, Adobe, Micr...

CCPA in HR: 5 things you need to know
As a business that either has physical operations in California or does business in the state of California that involves intera...

CCPA compliance checklist: Are you ready for CCPA?
Our CCPA compliance checklist helps you determine how ready you are for CCPA - and what areas you need to look at. We also have ...

CCPA: Frequently Asked Questions on California’s new privacy law
In an era when many business activities happen online – and when most people have a digital footprint – privacy laws are inevita...

How to approach GDPR legitimate interest in recruiting
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides six lawful bases for processing personal data. Two of them – legitimate i...

GDPR checklist: Requirements for recruiters and HR
Use this GDPR checklist to help you prepare your recruiting and HR processes for GDPR compliance. Learn GDPR requirements to avo...

A recruiter’s guide to GDPR compliance
Learn the basics of GDPR and how it affects recruitment in this compliance guide. Discover what recruiters, talent professionals...

How to write an employee handbook
An employee handbook is a vital tool for communicating a company's mission, values, and expectations. It serves as a guide for n...