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Natasha Bowman

Keith MacKenzie

Keith is Workable's senior content strategy manager with a specialty in topics around human resources and employment. He also brings more than a decade's worth of background as an editor and writer in the mainstream media and content marketing industries. He's very interested in the perpetually evolving hiring and employment landscapes and how they are shaped internally and externally by worldwide and localized trends.

future of AI in hiring

The future of hiring: 7 of 10 say AI usage will rise

Workable's AI in Hiring & Work survey reveals that 68.1% think AI use in hiring will only go up in the near future. This is a...

AI has positive impact on morale, say 52.4% of workers

Workable's AI in Hiring & Work survey reveals that AI integration has boosted team morale for 52.4% of employees, while only 5.2...

predictive analytics for employee retention

Predictive analytics: why it matters for employee retention

Predictive analytics in HR leverages data and AI to enhance decision-making, identifying at-risk employees and optimizing retent...

71.9% of workers generally comfortable with AI: Survey

Workable's AI in Hiring & Work survey finds that the comfort levels of employees when using AI at work is quite high (71.9%). ...

Hiring Pulse

Your Hiring Pulse report for April 2024

April's Hiring Pulse has many dramatic messages in it. Job postings are coming down dramatically compared with previous years – ...

Your job’s likely OK in AI: 71% report little or no displacement

Workable's AI in Hiring & Work survey finds that a majority of employees reported little or no job displacement in their company...

Employers are encouraged to focus on empathy in leadership, active employee engagement, broadening DEI initiatives, and prioritizing skill-based hiring and development. These strategies aim to foster a resilient and adaptable workforce capable of navigating the challenges of an ever-evolving job market

The great talent shift – and the need for leaders and L&D

Despite mass layoffs hitting hundreds tech companies, affecting more than 56,000 workers, the job market reveals a paradoxical i...

7 out of 10 workers are worried about jobs in age of AI: Survey

Workable's AI in Hiring & Work survey finds that seven in 10 workers are worried about the impact of AI on their jobs. This ...

Tech & money are seen as hurdles in AI use at work: Survey

Workable's AI in Hiring & Work survey finds that AI is a challenge for workers primarily because of tech adoption issues (46.2% ...

32-hour workweek

Sanders’ 32-hour workweek: what Reddit & employers think

The 32-hour workweek promises enhanced productivity and work-life balance, backed by Bernie Sanders' legislation. Trials show a ...

Survey: AI boosts productivity for three of four workers

Workable's AI in Hiring & Work survey finds that AI increases productivity for 75.7% of workers. This is an excerpt from our...

Hiring Pulse

Your Hiring Pulse report for March 2024

March's Hiring Pulse reveals a fascinating trend – job activity is up, way up for small businesses, and down, way down for enter...

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