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Keith MacKenzie

Keith MacKenzie

Keith is Workable's senior content strategy manager with a specialty in topics around human resources and employment. He also brings more than a decade's worth of background as an editor and writer in the mainstream media and content marketing industries. He's very interested in the perpetually evolving hiring and employment landscapes and how they are shaped internally and externally by worldwide and localized trends.

impact of brexit on employment

The impact of Brexit on employment: Insights from 3 experts

On 23 January 2019, in London, Workable hosted a high-profile panel discussion titled Brexit: Recruiting Through Uncertainty, to...

Brexit and employment: 6 things you can do today to prepare for Brexit

If you’re in the recruiting space, Brexit poses a unique conundrum. The lack of clarity around what’s coming up has led to, amon...

From 98% men to 55% women: 5 tips for gender diversity in tech sales

Rachel Bates knows a lot about diversity in tech sales – or lack thereof – in Boston’s thriving tech sector. Her wake-up moment ...

Why is cultural fit important in recruiting? It's about valuing people

Why is cultural fit important in recruiting? It’s about valuing people

Discover how changing your recruitment approach can lead to better harmonized teams and improved productivity. This article pres...

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