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Gianna Biscontini

Keith MacKenzie

Keith is Workable's senior content strategy manager with a specialty in topics around human resources and employment. He also brings more than a decade's worth of background as an editor and writer in the mainstream media and content marketing industries. He's very interested in the perpetually evolving hiring and employment landscapes and how they are shaped internally and externally by worldwide and localized trends.

DEI strategic plan

Your DEI strategic plan: The road is fraught with hurdles

This is the fifth in a series of excerpts from our survey report titled All roads lead to diversity, equity & inclusion in t...

DEI leadership

DEI leadership – and who’s actually doing the work?

In the realm of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), the work is often shouldered by Human Resources, but also disproportiona...

Is there meaningful progress in DEI right now? Depends on who you ask

This is the third in a series of excerpts from our survey report titled All roads lead to diversity, equity & inclusion in t...

The democratic driver - what does DEI mean to you?

What does DEI mean to you and your business?

This is the second in a series of excerpts from our survey report titled All roads lead to diversity, equity & inclusion in ...

DEI at work

DEI at work: It’s time to take a deep dive

This is the first in a series of excerpts from our survey report titled All roads lead to diversity, equity & inclusion in t...

workplace mental health

Workplace mental health: Support your employees through the deep dark winter

Winter is coming. Yes, that quote is mostly accredited to the Stark folks in Game of Thrones, but it applies here and now in ter...

The talent market is changing – and recruiters need to evolve with it

Recruiting Brainfood's Hung Lee offers his perspective on how recruiters can stay relevant as the new world of work becomes more...

Know your unknowns: Check your unconscious bias when screening candidates

We share five insights from Recruiting Future podcaster Matt Alder, DEI recruitment expert Fadjanie Cadet, and marketing executi...

Candidates don’t like asynchronous video interviews: How can you fix that?

An asynchronous video interview (AVI), or one-way video interview, consists of written or recorded questions presented by a memb...

Struggling with your remote team? Learn from someone who’s managed it for years

Workable's VP of Design Zaharenia Atzitzikaki walks us through the challenges of remote management, maintaining human connection...

evaluating candidates

Evaluating candidates for remote work? Your hiring criteria matters

When evaluating candidates for their capabilities and potential in a position you’re hiring for, soft skills ultimately become p...

Future of Workplace Post-COVID work world

A return to normalcy: When will work go back to business as usual?

This is the last in a series of excerpts from our New World of Work survey report which was published in August 2020. More than ...

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