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coffee badging

What is coffee badging – and what you can do about it

Get on top of the "coffee badging" phenomenon, a modern twist on workplace presenteeism. Learn why it reflects deeper issues wit...


WFH vs. RTO: what really works for your business

Forget the sensational headlines. WFH vs. RTO isn't one-size-fits-all. Learn how to make informed decisions that suit your busin...

vr in onboarding

Use VR in onboarding and set your new hires for success

Explore how, as an HR professional, you can utilize virtual reality (VR) to improve your onboarding process and learn about some...

The in-person vs. remote shuffle – what’s next? Hybrid!

This is the conclusion of a series of blog posts pulled from our extensive New World of Work 2022 Survey Report. Here, we look t...

Remote work: ‘There’s no going back on this’

In a survey near the start of the pandemic, 71% of businesses predicted that remote work would be the top paradigm shift in the ...

workplace community US

Workplace community is more important than most in US

Face it – we spend significant chunks of our waking hours at work, whether it’s virtual or “real life” presence in the working e...

workplace community UK

Workplace community is tops in the minds of UK workers

Since we spend significant chunks of our waking hours at work, it make sense that friendships, partnerships and teamsmanship sho...

Flexible work hours: it’s important for 58% of US workers, survey finds

According to our New World of Work survey, 44.9% of businesses cited staggered or flexible work schedules as a major change in t...

Flexible schedules a must for 57% of UK workers: Great Discontent survey

According to our New World of Work survey, 44.9% of businesses cited staggered or flexible work schedules as a major change in t...

the benefits of working remotely

Integrating work and home a top benefit of working remotely in US

According to our New World of Work survey in August 2020, the advent of flexible work is one of the biggest workplace changes co...

working remotely

Benefits of working remotely: UK workers get back an hour a day – and they like it

According to our New World of Work survey in August 2020, the advent of flexible work is one of the biggest workplace changes co...

outsourcing virtual captive model

Outsourcing your talent: when, how, and especially, why

For businesses of all sizes, the search for talent has become global and spurred business model innovations. The global talent s...

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