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Time for a DEI action plan: We’ll help you get there
A DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) action plan is vital for creating a diverse, fair, and inclusive workplace. It involves def...

Your DEI recruitment strategy: What are your action items?
This is the seventh in a series of excerpts from our survey report titled All roads lead to diversity, equity & inclusion in...

What are your top DEI initiatives for the workplace?
Top DEI initiatives for the workplace include fostering diversity throughout the company, ensuring equity in opportunity, contri...

Your DEI strategic plan: The road is fraught with hurdles
This is the fifth in a series of excerpts from our survey report titled All roads lead to diversity, equity & inclusion in t...

Is there meaningful progress in DEI right now? Depends on who you ask
This is the third in a series of excerpts from our survey report titled All roads lead to diversity, equity & inclusion in t...

Remote work technology: the road ahead is digital
This is the fifth in a series of excerpts from our New World of Work survey report which was published in August 2020. More than...

COVID-19 big shifts: The workplace will stay remote controlled
This is the second in a series of excerpts from our New World of Work survey report which was published in August 2020. More tha...

How businesses responded to COVID-19 – and what they’re planning now
This is the first in a series of excerpts from our New World of Work survey report which was published in August 2020. More than...

Business survival planning in a crisis: Lessons from the front lines
One of the frustrating realities of living and operating through a crisis is the realization that there’s only so much you can d...

Go internal: 7 tips to take advantage of a business slowdown
The economic slowdown as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic was to be expected. The outlook is rough – Federal Reserve Bank of St...

The importance of business agility during the COVID-19 crisis
The ongoing COVID-19 socio-economic crisis is forcing business leaders worldwide to take quick actions to respond to the pandemi...

Do you classify employees correctly? California’s law got stricter
AB5 is a new independent contractor law in California – signed by Governor Gavin Newsom in September 2019 – which sets rules on ...