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ai in recruitment

AI in recruitment: What the future holds for businesses and recruiters

Imagine you have an assistant – let’s call him Joe – who schedules interviews flawlessly, screens resumes without a hint of bias...

controversial topics at work

Can we discuss politics or other controversial topics at work?

Let’s say that one of your employees posts a racist joke on their personal social media page. Even if it was meant by that emplo...

Brexit and employment: 6 things you can do today to prepare for Brexit

If you’re in the recruiting space, Brexit poses a unique conundrum. The lack of clarity around what’s coming up has led to, amon...

Key elements of a great company culture – the story of Proxyclick

We often hear about companies with a great culture. Whether they’re big names like Google, smaller up-and-coming startups, or lo...

Out-of-the-box recruiting strategies: Talent in the unlikeliest of places

Out-of-the-box recruiting strategies: Talent in the unlikeliest of places

What if we could take the unemployed and soon-to-be unemployed and prepare them for a new career? What if your accountant was on...

Why is cultural fit important in recruiting? It's about valuing people

Why is cultural fit important in recruiting? It’s about valuing people

Discover how changing your recruitment approach can lead to better harmonized teams and improved productivity. This article pres...

How do you design the recruiting process at a company as its new Head of Talent?

My background as a Head of Talent is in a series of startups which generally don’t have any hiring process in place –...

8 of the best job ad examples

Best job ad examples from the Workable job board

A clear and engaging job description helps attract the right candidates. But writing one is no easy feat. To inspire you, we dov...

Hiring for culture fit

Hiring for culture fit: The key to attracting and retaining talent

If you wonder why recruiting is a big challenge for most organizations — and why retaining stellar employees often becomes...

In House Recruitment Expo - IHRE 2018

In-House Recruitment Expo: Key takeaways from 2018 IHRE at Telford

In October 2018, I visited Telford in England for the first time, to attend the In-House Recruitment Expo Summit. Attendees and ...

Why I’m cautious about remote work

For all its many virtues, the remote work trend could be making light of human development in the workplace. Does it impede your...

Hire exceptional employees

The future of recruiting: How you can hire exceptional employees

It’s a common phenomenon to see companies struggling to hire exceptional employees – in fact, 76% of hiring decision maker...

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