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company career page

Company career page content: do’s and don’ts

A great careers page is the best way to get potential job candidates to consider your company. However, on average, 90 percent o...

How to improve your careers page design

How to improve your careers page design

Your careers page is the best place to attract new candidates. As prospective employees look through your website, they should g...

writing effective job descriptions

Writing effective job descriptions: a style guide

Given that the purpose of a job description is to attract applications it would make sense for it to be inviting. Yet, all too o...

Does anyone advertise jobs in newspapers anymore?

Remember when the classifieds section of the local paper was the obvious place to look for a job?  Back at the dawn of the new m...

3 ways to improve recruitment marketing with video

In today’s market, where 51% of employed workers are open to a new job despite not actively looking for one, recruitment m...

What do the best career pages have in common?

You’ve put a lot of work into your website in order to sell your product. It boasts beautiful design, photos and testimoni...

Writing job descriptions for hiring millennials

Millennials are now the largest generation in the workforce. More than 35m millennials and Generation-Y employees (those born af...

Stand by me: employee retention strategies from the pros

Most companies realize when they hire someone that it’s not a solemn vow to be together forever. The generation of company...

2016 social recruitment trends forecast

Social recruitment seems to have almost slavishly followed the stages of the Gartner Hype Cycle. We’ve trekked over the “peak of...

Employee engagement strategies that work

Low employee engagement is a global problem. Right now, seven out of ten employees in the US drag their feet to work. This numbe...

Separating cult from culture

Cult-like behaviors, such as over-reliance on a charismatic leader or isolation from outside perspectives, can be detrimental to...

Drafting a maternity leave policy: 5 things you should know

Maternity leave policies in the United States have come a long way from the 1960s when working mothers were considered temporari...

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