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10 careers page examples

10 great careers page examples – and why we love them

Career pages are sections of a company's website dedicated to showcasing its employer brand and presenting job openings. They ar...

The power of a corporate retreat: 5 reasons why you should do it

The power of a corporate retreat: 5 reasons why you should do it

Corporate retreats boost morale, foster collaboration, and save money. They provide an inclusive environment for socializing, re...

Horrible workplaces: The signs of a hostile work environment and what to do about it

Horrible workplaces: The signs of a hostile work environment and what to do about it

A horrible workplace, also known as a hostile work environment, is one where employees feel uncomfortable, scared, or intimidate...

5 talent attraction strategies

Office in an ‘unsexy’ area? Use these 5 talent attraction strategies

New York. Los Angeles. Toronto. Vancouver. London. These “sexy” locations are where great talent wants to work – your talent att...

14 recruitment fails: Don’t end up on this list of bad job ads

14 recruitment fails: Don’t end up on this list of bad job ads

Examples of bad job ads are a popular feature of one-time Workable VP of Customer Advocacy Matt Buckland’s Twitter feed. Some of...

Recruiting top tech talent in the Boston tech scene - A panel discussion

Wooing top tech talent: Recruiting in the Boston tech scene

A memorable Workable event on tech recruiting opened with some surprising statistics, courtesy of Culture Amp’s Joshua Bach: “10...

millennials in the workplace

Millennials in the workplace: How to manage and engage them

As of early 2019, the ages of millennials in the workplace ranged from 22 to 38 years old. This demographic represents the large...

Talent attraction

Talent attraction: Why Maslow thinks your job ads suck

Are you a recruiter in a terrifyingly drab business park 30 minutes from the “cool” downtown core or city center? Getting cricke...

Standard working hours in Hong Kong

No standard working hours in Hong Kong? This is an opportunity

In Hong Kong, the practice of long working hours is common due to its status as a financial hub and the region's flexible work m...

how to fire an employee

How to fire an employee gracefully: 5 ways to do it right

Firing an employee is a sensitive task that requires careful handling. It's crucial to communicate clearly, provide specific rea...

employee burnout

Employee burnout for employers: costs, causes and cures

Have you ever felt so exhausted and disheartened that you just don’t want to go to work? Many of us have these moments — p...

Six candidate experience best practices

6 candidate experience best practices

“Candidate experience is just another HR buzzword.” “Focusing on candidate experience will hurt my time to hire.” “No matter wha...

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