DEI in 2024 is a more polarized topic than in 2020 – Check out our recent survey and get the insights Download the report

Time to reboot the gamification of recruitment

It’s safe to assume that Casey Wardynski didn’t foresee the scale of what he was starting back in 1999. As chief economist of th...

How to hire more women in tech sales

Throughout my career, I’ve observed that the highest performing teams have a common denominator: diversity. And, gender diversit...

How to build your employer brand online and offline

Employer branding is not about advertising that you’re a good employer. It’s about being one. Companies with strong employer bra...

Why millennial job-hopping shouldn’t be a warning sign for recruiters

Millennials, often seen as job-hoppers, are actually valuable assets to companies. Their desire for professional growth, adaptab...

Why passion shouldn’t be a job requirement

Are you passionate about your job? Do you absolutely love what you do? Does every single one of your work responsibilities make ...

Why should employers care about the gender pay gap?

Businesses do not profit from the gender pay gap. It hurts them. But, the way the gender pay gap is framed by activists hurts th...

The ethics and etiquette of employee poaching

Employee poaching, while ethical, may not always be legal. It involves recruiting employees from direct competitors or former em...

I’m too busy to hire – my mobile ATS is my only solace

My professional success depends on hiring the right people at the right time. But I constantly feel like I have no time at all. ...

How to be a great recruiter

As you embark on your recruiting career, you’ll encounter a number of challenges that you may not have expected. We’...

How to find good employees: hire for skills, not talent

To find good employees, focus on measurable skills rather than vague concepts of talent. Conduct a skills gap analysis, write sk...

Why even ‘casual’ companies should have dress codes

Companies should have dress codes to define what professionalism looks like in their workplace. Dress codes can clarify roles, c...

How companies succumb to sunk cost culture

In theory, companies are meant to act rationally, efficiently and in their own economic self-interest. But humans manage them, s...

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