DEI in 2024 is a more polarized topic than in 2020 – Check out our recent survey and get the insights Download the report


Cost-per-hire metrics, demystified

Calculating cost per hire involves summing all internal and external recruitment expenses and dividing by the total number of hi...


What defines a good recruiter?

A good recruiter is one who builds strong relationships, thinks ahead, collaborates effectively with hiring managers, keeps an o...

Perfecting your recruiting pitch

Perfecting a recruiting pitch involves understanding your candidate's needs and interests, and conveying what your company can o...

Why parental leave laws aren’t working

If we want to have a workforce in the future we need to have children. The necessity to create tomorrow’s employees means today’...


Strategies for building an inclusive workplace

An inclusive workplace makes a difference for more than half of all employees who currently hide aspects of their identity at wo...

toxic employees

How to identify and address ‘toxic employees’

Toxic employees can be identified by their overconfidence, self-centered attitudes, and lack of cooperation. They often disrespe...

How to foster workplace diversity

Fostering workplace diversity involves creating an environment where all employees feel valued and can thrive. This can be achie...

The world’s most enduring personality test is a meaningless parlor game

If you work for a large organization you’re probably already aware that yours is one of 16 distinct personality types. You may b...

What does Massachusetts’ equal pay law mean for employers?

Will Massachusetts be the first state to close the gender pay gap? On August 1, the state passed the most robust equal pay law t...

How to succeed as a HR leader: forget ‘best practices’

The HR industry has more buzzwordy ‘best practices’ than most. But they’re counter-productive. By definition, accepted or ‘stand...


Creating career paths that put people first

In the old world of work, climbing the corporate ladder was the most popular metaphor for getting ahead. In the new world of wor...


The problem with hiring for ‘culture fit’

Culture fit is trending again—but not in a good way. In the 70s, organizational psychologist John Morse conducted an experiment ...

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