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recruiting email examples

Top 5 recruiting email examples

Email templates can be huge time-savers for recruiters, if they’re used right. They not only provide a basis for you to build an...

LinkedIn sourcing candidates template

LinkedIn InMail template for recruiters: Sourcing for a specific position

LinkedIn InMail is a valuable tool for recruiters with a premium account, allowing them to proactively reach out to potential ca...


The best recruiting email templates for all scenarios

Recruiting email templates are pre-written emails that recruiters and hiring managers use to communicate with potential candidat...

Introduction to candidates LinkedIn template

LinkedIn InMail template for recruiters: First introduction to a candidate

LinkedIn is your go-to place when you want to connect with candidates, both passive and active. When you come across strong prof...

hire a virtual assistant

How to hire a Virtual Assistant

Hiring a virtual assistant involves defining the position, creating a detailed job description, posting jobs on dedicated platfo...

Hire remote employees

How to attract, hire and retain remote employees

Attracting, hiring, and retaining remote employees requires a unique approach. Building a strong online employer brand, advertis...

Tips for making a job offer to a candidate

Making a job offer involves covering all important job details like job title, compensation, benefits, and start date. It's bene...

Cost of hiring a new employee

How to reduce recruiting costs when hiring new employees

Your goal is to find the best talent at the lowest possible cost – especially when you're hiring with lean teams and budgets. He...

interview candidates

How to interview candidates for better hiring results

I remember interviewing a candidate for the first time and thinking: How can I really tell if they will be a good fit? I might l...

job fair recruitment

Job fair recruitment: A planning guide for employers

Job fair recruitment involves participating in events where employers and job seekers meet, allowing companies to connect with a...

hiring seasonal employees

How to hire seasonal employees

When hiring seasonal employees, there are important tips to keep in mind. Learn where to post jobs for temporary employees and h...

How to become a successful recruiter

Becoming a successful recruiter involves more than just screening and hiring. It requires a deep understanding of job roles, eff...

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