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What impact has Brexit uncertainty on recruitment

The key to standing out in recruitment during Brexit uncertainty

The UK recruitment market is particularly tough right now. With continued Brexit uncertainty, many professionals are nervous abo...

impact of brexit on employment

The impact of Brexit on employment: Insights from 3 experts

On 23 January 2019, in London, Workable hosted a high-profile panel discussion titled Brexit: Recruiting Through Uncertainty, to...

NGOs and NPOs: Investing in an ATS will help you deliver your mission

As a nonprofit organization, you are mission-driven; you care more about tirelessly delivering your mission than anything else. ...

Key elements of a great company culture – the story of Proxyclick

We often hear about companies with a great culture. Whether they’re big names like Google, smaller up-and-coming startups, or lo...

How do you design the recruiting process at a company as its new Head of Talent?

My background as a Head of Talent is in a series of startups which generally don’t have any hiring process in place –...

impact of brexit on employment

Bad news for businesses affected by Brexit uncertainty

With just months to go until the UK leaves the European Union, and no deal yet in place, many employers continue to worry about ...

sales career path

Sales career path: A way to attract and retain salespeople

Traditionally, the sales industry suffers from high turnover rates. Every time a salesperson leaves, you need to start a new hir...

how to use whatsapp hiring

Ask a Recruiter: Why and how do you use WhatsApp for recruiting candidates?

WhatsApp is predominantly known as a messaging app, but it could be the next big thing in recruitment. We’re living in suc...

Why I’m cautious about remote work

For all its many virtues, the remote work trend could be making light of human development in the workplace. Does it impede your...

Hire exceptional employees

The future of recruiting: How you can hire exceptional employees

It’s a common phenomenon to see companies struggling to hire exceptional employees – in fact, 76% of hiring decision maker...

recruiter vs hiring manager

Recruiter vs hiring manager: Who is really responsible for hiring?

The responsibility for hiring lies with both the hiring manager and the recruiter. The hiring manager makes the final decision o...

ATS HR software

Benefits of specialized recruitment software vs HRIS

“Why buy software that is recruitment-focused, when we could spend our money on software that tackles every HR task in our organ...

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