Is your company ready for the future of upskilling and reskilling? Check out the latest L&D trends and more! Download the report

Nikos Moraitakis

Nikos Moraitakis

Nikos is our CEO and batman on rainy nights.

Workable is now an HR suite

I'm thrilled to share the next chapter of Workable's journey...

Great Discontent Workable worker survey report

Announcing the Great Discontent: 2021 Worker Survey

Workers are quitting in droves and they’re done with the current system. But you still need them. What can you do as an employer...

DEI survey report

Announcing our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion survey report

2020 was an interesting year, to put it mildly. We saw how COVID-19 unravelled our society in myriad ways. We watched as the tid...

Announcing our New World of Work survey report

In March 2020, Workable shifted to a fully remote working environment as COVID-19’s ugly head revealed itself to the world. Seve...

COVID-19: Workable CEO Nikos Moraitakis’ message to employees

Folks, I hope everyone’s healthy and you’ve had the chance to adjust to new schedules and habits. Years from now, en...

COVID-19: A message from Workable CEO Nikos Moraitakis

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been working with hundreds of HR departments around the world who, like you, are facing an ...


Google Hire customers: Find a new home with Workable

I’m sure you’ve heard the news: Google Hire is shutting down. We’re sincerely sorry to see a good product go. Like Workable, Goo...

Workable Facelift

Introducing Workable 2.0 – and the future of hiring

The next time you log in to Workable, if you haven’t already, you’ll notice the entire application looks better. We’ve been work...

Why I’m cautious about remote work

For all its many virtues, the remote work trend could be making light of human development in the workplace. Does it impede your...

The least-discussed myths in recruiting

Six years ago we started Workable, wishing for better tools to find and evaluate people. We've served thousands of customers and...

3 steps to painless EEOC compliance

3 steps to painless EEOC compliance

In the US, most businesses with 15 employees or more are legally required to meet the regulations enforced by the Equal Employme...

Introducing People Search

No matter how sophisticated and efficient your recruiting process is, the outcome can only be as good as your candidate pipeline...

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