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business survival planning

Business survival planning in a crisis: Lessons from the front lines

One of the frustrating realities of living and operating through a crisis is the realization that there’s only so much you can d...

crisis management

Crisis management in the workplace: the role of HR

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are doing their best to help their people, support their communities and survi...

take advantage of business slowdown

Go internal: 7 tips to take advantage of a business slowdown

The economic slowdown as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic was to be expected. The outlook is rough – Federal Reserve Bank of St...

COVID-19 business continuity plan

Your COVID-19 business continuity plan: Tips from a COO

In times of economic uncertainty – whether it's due to a pandemic, conflict, inflation, or something else – it behooves you and ...

business agility during crisis

The importance of business agility during the COVID-19 crisis

The ongoing COVID-19 socio-economic crisis is forcing business leaders worldwide to take quick actions to respond to the pandemi...

How a bold initiative can boost disability employment

“Meet the people who make our soap. Then feel free to steal them.” That’s the opening line at the website of BECO., the UK-based...

digital transformation

Digital transformation: how to ensure it won’t fail

Disrupting business models with tech, implementing emerging technologies, innovating with AI. It all sounds promising, but if do...

DX and recruitment

Digital transformation of recruitment: How can you benefit?

Let’s have a quick look at a recruiter’s daily routine: You probably spend most of the day making calls and sending emails to sc...

candidate experience strategy

How to fix your candidate experience strategy

Panicking over negative Glassdoor reviews? Wondering why you lose candidates after the assessment phase? Experimenting with a ‘s...

tips for first-time hiring managers

Tips for first-time hiring managers

For first-time hiring managers, it's crucial to understand the role, evaluate candidates before interviews, ask insightful quest...

opening a business in a new country

Starting a business in another country: Learn from those who did it

Starting a business in another country can be a strategic move to tap into new markets or talent pools. However, it requires car...

Ace tech recruiting: advice from recruiters and candidates

Read our key takeaways from a co-hosted webinar with Hired and learn how to attract and engage tech talent throughout the hiring...

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