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Six candidate experience best practices

6 candidate experience best practices

“Candidate experience is just another HR buzzword.” “Focusing on candidate experience will hurt my time to hire.” “No matter wha...

Handling layoffs: The good, the bad, and the ugly

Do you still have a job at BuzzFeed? What seems like a normal, fun quiz hosted on the popular media website actually carries the...

Ask a Recruiter: How do you improve employee retention in an industry with high turnover rates?

There’s always a war for talent, but it’s especially high stakes in industries such as hospitality, where we’ve seen high turnov...

gamification in recruiting

Gamification in recruiting: How and why to give it a shot

{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits e}.com This, Google’s famous billboard mathematical riddle, is a sensational e...

How to be the worst interviewer

Meet Joe – Head of Digital Marketing at “Fictional Company”. Joe is really good at his job but has been struggling lately, ever ...

How do you design the recruiting process at a company as its new Head of Talent?

My background as a Head of Talent is in a series of startups which generally don’t have any hiring process in place –...

non-traditional candidates

Why you should consider non-traditional candidates

For some professions, career paths are sort of a given, almost pre-defined. For example, if you want to be a doctor, you’ll go t...

sales career path

Sales career path: A way to attract and retain salespeople

Traditionally, the sales industry suffers from high turnover rates. Every time a salesperson leaves, you need to start a new hir...

Ask a Recruiter: How do you fully engage hiring managers in the recruiting process?

Historically, the responsibility of hiring good candidates has been placed solely with recruiters. This, however, isolates the r...

how to use whatsapp hiring

Ask a Recruiter: Why and how do you use WhatsApp for recruiting candidates?

WhatsApp is predominantly known as a messaging app, but it could be the next big thing in recruitment. We’re living in suc...

AI in recruitment

Don’t blame AI for gender bias – blame the data

In early October 2018, Reuters reported that Amazon - which emphasizes automation as a major part of its brand - had scrapped it...

Hire exceptional employees

The future of recruiting: How you can hire exceptional employees

It’s a common phenomenon to see companies struggling to hire exceptional employees – in fact, 76% of hiring decision maker...

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