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What defines a good recruiter?

A good recruiter is one who builds strong relationships, thinks ahead, collaborates effectively with hiring managers, keeps an o...


Giving interview feedback: the dos and don’ts

The dos of giving interview feedback include telling the truth, writing creatively, being tactful, praising when possible, and a...


Addressing interview red flags

Malcolm Gladwell famously wrote in his bestselling book, ‘Blink,’ that “the key to good decision making is not knowl...

How to assess soft skills in an interview

How can you tell whether a candidate who looks good ‘on paper’ will be good ‘in person’? Soft skills make all the difference. So...


How to read candidate body language in an interview

Reading body language during interviews can provide valuable insights into a candidate's personality and demeanor. However, it's...


Addressing resume red flags

Resume red flags aren’t necessarily grounds for instantly disqualifying candidates. However, they may give you more insight into...

Mistake that put off job candidates

9 common interviewer mistakes that put off candidates

Interviewers can get away with mistakes more easily than interviewees. Candidates are supposed to stress about how to create a p...

6 illegal interview questions not to ask — and legal alternatives

Most of the time when illegal questions crop up in an interview both the questioner and the candidate are unaware. Whether you w...

How to make a phone screen interview worthwhile

To make a phone screen interview worthwhile, prepare by determining what really matters for the role, reading the candidate's re...

Why you should always write a post-interview rejection letter

Writing a post-interview rejection letter is not a task anyone enjoys. It’s an easy one to fumble but it’s much worse to a...

Interview techniques from experienced interviewers

Experienced interviewers avoid mistakes like lack of preparation, confirmation bias, the Halo Effect, social comparison bias, an...

6 best interview questions for employers: alternatives to cliched questions

Smart interview questions can help interviewers make smart hiring decisions but they have a shelf life. There’s no need to buy i...

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