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candidate complaints

5 candidate complaints on Reddit and what to do about them

Let’s face facts: candidate complaints aren’t good for you or your brand. Your job candidates are effectively your customers. Yo...

Whole-person leadership

Whole-person leadership: Lead your employees as people

Since early 2020, business leaders and their employees have been carefully navigating uncharted waters together. They have both ...

workplace changes in the 2020s

6 workplace changes we can expect in the 2020s

As we go deeper into 2021, we’re ready to look back and reflect on the practices and solutions we all adopted during the pandemi...

Podcast episode #5: Remote work and what it means for work culture

In this episode, Keith sits down with our very own CEO, Nikos Moraitakis, to discuss one of the biggest paradigm shifts in the w...

Josh Bersin - HR trends for 2021

Josh Bersin’s recruiting and HR trends for the future

“Talking about the future is always interesting, but I'm going to talk about the present too. And the word that I found interest...

Recruiting Q&As

Recruiting Q&As from Bamboo HR’s Employee Experience Week

In the first week of March 2021, Workable’s partners at Bamboo HR hosted Employee Experience Week. In the event, numerous insigh...

brexit advice for employers

Brexit advice for employers from a legal expert

If you’re an employer, business professional or HR practitioner in the United Kingdom, you know the far-reaching impacts of Brex...


Podcast episode #3: Tips from a remote work trailblazer

In this episode, Keith sits down with Ryan Malone, CEO of Smartbug Media. Ryan had a bold idea in the late 2000s when he launche...


Podcast episode #2: The New World of Work

The remote world of work is here to stay, and there’s a clear willingness to adapt to that new world – at least in the adoption ...

Gender and COVID - Stats on women at work in 2021

Gender and COVID-19: 7 stats on women at work in 2021

The COVID-19 crisis has hugely impacted our lives. Social distancing and mandatory remote work have forced employees to shift ab...

Your DEI action plan: We'll help you get there

Time for a DEI action plan: We’ll help you get there

A DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) action plan is vital for creating a diverse, fair, and inclusive workplace. It involves def...

DEI in the UK and Ireland

DEI in the UK and Ireland: How is it different from other countries?

In October 2020, we conducted a broad survey on diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. Nearly 800 HR and business pro...

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