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Employee Retention in Small Businesses

Is career development good for employee retention in SMBs?

Struggling to retain your top workers in your company? The traditional methods of competitive salaries and benefits are no longe...

Killer phrases in HR: don’t use them, or you’ll erode trust

The Evil HR Lady looks at how certain boillerplate phrases used by HR professionals can erode trust and confidence among employe...

Leading during difficult times: 4 real-world tips from employers

Explore real-world employer strategies on leading your employees during global crises. Dive into tips emphasizing empathy, open ...

salary and job satisfaction

Why money alone can’t buy happiness at work

While higher salaries are often equated with job satisfaction, recent studies challenge this notion. Despite earning less, self-...

going viral as employer

Going viral as an employer – for all the wrong reasons

Explore the real implications of your company going viral. Understand why fostering a stable, legally compliant business may pro...

How inclusive is your return-to-office strategy?

Returning to office? Your strategy may impact different employees in different ways. Learn from Workable's Content Strategy Mana...

What does the future of work look like?

This is part one of a series of blog posts pulled from our extensive New World of Work 2022 Survey Report. Here, we provide a qu...

The Weird Al leadership playbook: Lessons for Elon Musk

Who could be more different than Elon Musk and “Weird Al” Yankovic? Yet both are in the news, Yankovic because of his new parody...

interview horror stories

15 job interview horror stories that you won’t believe

Interview horror stories are tales of bizarre, awkward, or downright terrifying experiences during job interviews. They range fr...

15 workplace horror stories we wish were not real

Workplace horror stories we wish were not real

When we were kids, we used to share scary stories with our friends. And, more often than not, we would exaggerate a little bit (...

four-day workweek

Implementing an alternating four-day workweek: how & why

When the pandemic hit, we at Service Direct, like countless other businesses around the world, quickly found ourselves trying to...

INFOGRAPHIC: Mental Health across the ages

Mental health isn’t just a hot topic now – it has always been an issue. Our survey found that nine out of 10 respondents have ex...

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