DEI in 2024 is a more polarized topic than in 2020 – Check out our recent survey and get the insights Download the report

The power of a corporate retreat: 5 reasons why you should do it

The power of a corporate retreat: 5 reasons why you should do it

Corporate retreats boost morale, foster collaboration, and save money. They provide an inclusive environment for socializing, re...

scaling a sales team

Inside Workable: Scaling a sales team successfully

Imagine you've just been tasked to build out your company's sales team. Hiring one great salesperson is something you’ve probabl...

The engineering team at Workable wasn't built in a single day, but Spyros Magiatis grew it from a team of three into a 100-strong department of successful tribes all dedicated to Workable's product.

Building a winning engineering team: Workable CTO tells his story

When you talk to Spyros Magiatis about his experience building the engineering team that owns Workable’s recruitment software, y...

cannabis industry challenges

Recruiting In The Weeds: Cannabis Industry Challenges

Pot is popular. In the recently-legalized Great White North, the cannabis market could be bigger than beer – which is saying som...

Recruiting top tech talent in the Boston tech scene - A panel discussion

Wooing top tech talent: Recruiting in the Boston tech scene

A memorable Workable event on tech recruiting opened with some surprising statistics, courtesy of Culture Amp’s Joshua Bach: “10...

need a new ATS?

Need a new ATS? No one cares, unless you speak their language

Learn from product marketing strategies to address specific buyer types in your organization, making a compelling case for a new...

Talent attraction

Talent attraction: Why Maslow thinks your job ads suck

Are you a recruiter in a terrifyingly drab business park 30 minutes from the “cool” downtown core or city center? Getting cricke...

unconscious bias in recruitment

Unconscious bias in recruitment: How can you remove it?

Unconscious bias in recruitment refers to forming opinions about candidates based on first impressions or irrelevant criteria. I...

Standard working hours in Hong Kong

No standard working hours in Hong Kong? This is an opportunity

In Hong Kong, the practice of long working hours is common due to its status as a financial hub and the region's flexible work m...

how to fire an employee

How to fire an employee gracefully: 5 ways to do it right

Firing an employee is a sensitive task that requires careful handling. It's crucial to communicate clearly, provide specific rea...

employee promotion to manager

‘Employee promotion to manager’ time: 4 tips to inspire your stars

Promoting an employee to a managerial role is a significant step that can benefit both the individual and the organization. It a...

hobbies in resume

There’s much to learn when candidates include hobbies in a resume

When you see a candidate include hobbies in a resume, your first thought as a recruiter or hiring manager might be: “That’s cute...

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