Hiring Solutions & Resources

Modern candidate experience

Delight candidates with a modern application process from start to finish. Discover new ideas for revitalizing your careers page, job applications, and even your interview scheduling tactics.

Interview candidates

How to evaluate candidates and gather interview comments with Workable

Being a good interviewer means assessing candidates’ skills and potential properly. Good interviewers prepare well, ask the righ...

How to use candidate assessment options and integrations with Workable

Assessments are objective and job-related exercises that candidates should complete to move forward in the hiring process. Candi...

Soft skills interview questions and answers

Beyond job knowledge and technical skills, good candidates should demonstrate a set of soft skills, like communication, adaptabi...

Designing a branded company careers page with Workable

Careers pages are powerful recruiting tools. According to research, sixty-four percent of job seekers consider careers pages val...

How to run a background check with Workable

Background checks are performed at the final stage of the employee selection process. Put simply, they’re legal checks into a ca...

interview candidates

How to interview candidates for better hiring results

I remember interviewing a candidate for the first time and thinking: How can I really tell if they will be a good fit? I might l...

Workable integrates with Jobma for video interviews

Workable integrates with Jobma to enable candidate evaluations via video interview

Much of this year has been about increasing the amount of partnerships and services that integrate with Workable. Through our De...

Why your hiring shouldn’t hinge on thank-you emails

Sending thank-you emails to interviewers is part of a colossal body of unquestioned interview advice to candidates. Many intervi...

recruitment assessment tools

15 of the best recruiting assessment tools

Pre-employment assessments – such as work samples, cognitive ability tests, and job knowledge tests – are good predictors of job...

Workable adds sales assessments in partnership with Objective Management Group

Workable adds sales assessments in partnership with Objective Management Group

One of our goals this year was to expand the number of services that integrate with the Workable platform. Recruiting can be com...

Workable partners with Saberr for cultural fit candidate assessments

Workable partners with Saberr for cultural fit candidate assessments

It’s been an exciting year for partnerships at Workable. In September we wrote about the integration our first video interview p...

Email and calendars for hiring: not dead yet

While there’s a real joy for hiring managers in the ability to advertise a job easily and track progress with data-driven recrui...

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