Workable partners with Saberr for cultural fit candidate assessments

It’s been an exciting year for partnerships at Workable. In September we wrote about the integration our first video interview partner, and today we’re announcing the launch of our partnership with Saberr. This integration will help hiring teams determine candidate cultural fit.
Saberr is a people analytics company. Through technology, they aim to improve collaboration and help companies create happy, high performing teams. Saberr Base is specifically focussed on measuring candidate cultural fit as part of the hiring process.
Resumes and profiles are good for helping hiring managers identify candidates with the right set of skills. Pre-employment assessments can measure the strength of those skills and provide a strong indication of candidates who should progress to the next stage in your hiring pipeline. But long-term success in a company is often as dependent on building a cohesive team whose personalities work well together, as it is on hiring for a specific skillset.
A structured interview process can provide clues on how a candidate might match the culture of the organization, but interviews are a very short window and it’s rare that the whole team will take part in the interview process. We’ve all heard of, or experienced, the new employee who looked great on paper and interviewed like a rock star, but just never managed to bond with their team after starting in the role. Why? Because they weren’t a fit for the culture of the team. Saberr Base provides the solution to this hiring problem.
How to assess candidate cultural fit
Saberr Base’s process starts with a short 15 minute survey of your existing employees. This creates individual reports which, when aggregated indicate team values, motivations, positive influences – and where conflict in the team is most likely to happen.
The candidate report, usually completed before the interview stage, indicates candidates’ values alignment with your team and how well they will work with specific team members. It also shows personality fit against your role requirements. Finally, an interview guide based on Saberr data helps teams undertake robust culture interviews. Combined, Saberr’s predictive analytics can help you determine the likelihood that a candidate will fit the role, the team and your organization.
If you already have an account with Saberr and are currently using Base, activating the integration with Workable is simple. Once complete, you’ll be able to specify at which stage in the pipeline you’d like to send the Saberr Base survey. The process is seamless – everything can be done from the candidate’s profile in Workable, including reviewing the value alignment results.
Interested in making better hires for stronger teams? Saberr are happy to walk you through a demo to explain in detail how this could work for your organization.
More integrations coming soon
Yes! We have even more integrations coming soon. Watch this space through the end of the year, as we’re set to launch a series of new partnerships. If you’re a software provider, get involved; find out more about our Developer Partner Program.