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The wild future of HR

The wild future of HR: 8 radical concepts made relatable

What radical advancements are shaping the world of human resources? Learn about AI-augmented talent, micro-learning via brain up...

overcome hiring bias with AI

Can AI help beat unconscious bias in hiring? Yes, it can

What's the role of AI in recruitment and its potential to address unconscious bias? Here, we highlight the importance of balanci...

AI in L&D

AI unleashed: a new hope for learning & development?

Learn how AI integration can transform your Learning & Development by enhancing creativity, content creation, collaboration with...

Hiring Pulse

Your Hiring Pulse report for May 2023

Our monthly Hiring Pulse report is based on SMB hiring trends across the Workable network. See how your own business compares to...

How AI can enhance human skills and collaboration at work

Discover how AI is revolutionizing the workplace by enhancing human skills and collaboration, not replacing them. Explore AI's r...

Hiring Pulse

Your Hiring Pulse report for April 2023

In March’s Hiring Pulse, we focused on the rocket-like growth in the Candidates per Hire trend which has everyone teetering and ...

ai recruiting software

AI, ChatGPT and the human touch in hiring

Artificial intelligence is reshaping the way hiring teams source, screen, evaluate and onboard candidates – literally as you rea...

Tech hiring: how it’s different now for employers in 2023

Companies in the technology sector should be excited about the opportunities available to them in 2023. Several recent developme...

How organizations can help shape the future of AI in recruiting – and reap the benefits

Excited about a world where AI in recruiting will immensely improve your hiring process? We live in a fascinating time because t...

ai in recruitment

AI in recruitment: What the future holds for businesses and recruiters

Imagine you have an assistant – let’s call him Joe – who schedules interviews flawlessly, screens resumes without a hint of bias...

AI in recruitment

Don’t blame AI for gender bias – blame the data

In early October 2018, Reuters reported that Amazon - which emphasizes automation as a major part of its brand - had scrapped it...

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