Backstage at Workable
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Announcing The New World of Work, two years on: A 2022 worker survey
On Aug. 4, 2020, eventual Pulitzer Prize-winning COVID-19 journalist Ed Yong wrote in The Atlantic: “Normal led to this.” The qu...

Announcing the Great Discontent: 2021 Worker Survey
Workers are quitting in droves and they’re done with the current system. But you still need them. What can you do as an employer...

11 efficiency-boosting releases from Workable
2020 has been quite the year, and we’re ready to turn the page and welcome 2021 with open arms. This year, everyone had to find ...

Announcing our New World of Work survey report
In March 2020, Workable shifted to a fully remote working environment as COVID-19’s ugly head revealed itself to the world. Seve...

Announcing: Workable Connector for ADP Workforce Now®
With Workable, you’ll make the right hires, faster. And with the new Workable Connector for ADP Workforce Now®, you can get them...

Five big reasons to put employee referrals back on the radar
The benefits of employee referral programs are well-known. They’re one of the best ways of sourcing high-quality candidates at l...

Great onboarding starts with our new Click Boarding integration
Great onboarding leads to higher retention rates. It also means you don’t lose your preferred hire before their first day. But, ...

Workable integrates with HR and benefits platform, bob
As summer winds down and vacation season comes to a close for many of us, the fall hiring season is about to kick into full gear...

From new hire to engaged employee: our integration with Sapling is live
Since the launch of our updated APIs and Developer Partner Program in March, we've been working with other HR technology vendors...

New release: a partnership with Namely
Recruiting is a complex business. It’s not just the issue of finding the right person – and agreeing on that person as a team – ...

New release: a partnership with BambooHR
Today we're excited to announce our partnership with BambooHR! Users of Workable can now seamlessly transfer data from Workable ...