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Murakami approach to feedback

The Murakami approach to beta customer feedback

Learn how a Workable product manager transforms beta feedback calls into an exhilarating adventure, mirroring Haruki Murakami's ...

Blood donations: a drop for you, an ocean for someone else

The pandemic has had many negative impacts – but here's one you might not have thought about: the American Red Cross has announc...

accessibility features in Workable

Accessibility features in Workable: A look behind the scenes

During the past few years, Workable’s talented software engineers have been working behind the scenes on making Workable even mo...

video interviews early adopter program

Early adopter program key to Video Interviews success

It was the world before COVID-19. People had normal, everyday problems and jobs to do, and we at Workable were making a product ...

How we approached (video) interviews

The truth is that interviews oftentimes is a stressful and unpleasant experience. It gets more so when you include video....

Video Interviews: Designing for and with end users in mind

As a passionate UX practitioner I can insert a comment about user-centered principles into any type of conversation – whether it...

COVID-19: Workable CEO Nikos Moraitakis’ message to employees

Folks, I hope everyone’s healthy and you’ve had the chance to adjust to new schedules and habits. Years from now, en...

corporate retreat

Evolution of a company retreat: from product updates to breaking bread

Some people call it a corporate retreat. Others call it a company gathering. Still others call it an all-hands. Workable CEO Nik...

Workable's sales team

Behind the scenes with 3 members of Workable’s sales team

A few days ago, I visited the offices of Workable’s sales team in Athens. Located in a business district, Spaces, is a modern, e...

What we learned about hiring internationally at Workable World Tour Asia

We started planning our first series of events to be held in Asia six months ago. Part of our Workable World Tour, Asia was new ...

jhug preview

Workable hosts the latest JHUG meet up

After a break of several months, we hosted the latest JHUG (Java Hellenic User Group) meetup on Tuesday....

How we’ve scaled our customer support team

Workable’s support team used to be one person in Athens. Now we’re in Boston, Athens and Australia and we’ve added 6 new team me...

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