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pragmatic recruiting framework

The Pragmatic Recruiting Framework: A lesson from marketing

I’m not a fan of the tired rhetoric of “Recruitment is just like X”. But let’s face facts: every discipline can learn something ...

recruiting through change

Recruiting through change: A marketing VP shares her insights

Imagine: your company has just landed a star candidate – let’s call him Ethan – and he’s ready to start Monday. But suddenly, ch...

10 careers page examples

10 great careers page examples – and why we love them

Career pages are sections of a company's website dedicated to showcasing its employer brand and presenting job openings. They ar...

Tech recruitment in London: Luring and sourcing top tech talent

Tech recruitment in London: Luring and sourcing top tech talent

As a recruiter or hiring manager in the hypercompetitive tech recruitment landscape, you’re likely fighting tooth and nail for t...

talent community

How you can benefit from building a talent community

Matt Buckland has a long career in recruitment, and according to him, it shows. “I started in recruitment in about the year 2000...

5 qualities of a good employee and candidate and how to evaluate them in an interview

Important qualities of a good employee and candidate include teamwork, willingness to learn, communication, self-motivation, and...

14 recruitment fails: Don’t end up on this list of bad job ads

14 recruitment fails: Don’t end up on this list of bad job ads

Examples of bad job ads are a popular feature of one-time Workable VP of Customer Advocacy Matt Buckland’s Twitter feed. Some of...

need a new ATS?

Need a new ATS? No one cares, unless you speak their language

Learn from product marketing strategies to address specific buyer types in your organization, making a compelling case for a new...

Talent attraction

Talent attraction: Why Maslow thinks your job ads suck

Are you a recruiter in a terrifyingly drab business park 30 minutes from the “cool” downtown core or city center? Getting cricke...

hobbies in resume

There’s much to learn when candidates include hobbies in a resume

When you see a candidate include hobbies in a resume, your first thought as a recruiter or hiring manager might be: “That’s cute...

non-traditional candidates

Why you should consider non-traditional candidates

For some professions, career paths are sort of a given, almost pre-defined. For example, if you want to be a doctor, you’ll go t...

8 of the best job ad examples

Best job ad examples from the Workable job board

A clear and engaging job description helps attract the right candidates. But writing one is no easy feat. To inspire you, we dov...

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