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In House Recruitment Expo - IHRE 2018

In-House Recruitment Expo: Key takeaways from 2018 IHRE at Telford

In October 2018, I visited Telford in England for the first time, to attend the In-House Recruitment Expo Summit. Attendees and ...

Why I’m cautious about remote work

For all its many virtues, the remote work trend could be making light of human development in the workplace. Does it impede your...

Why millennial job-hopping shouldn’t be a warning sign for recruiters

Millennials, often seen as job-hoppers, are actually valuable assets to companies. Their desire for professional growth, adaptab...

Money for nothing: are we ready for universal basic income?

Several years ago I went to visit a radical experiment in the remote west of Kenya near the shores of Lake Victoria. A handful o...

Working remotely: Are you a remote-curious employer?

Recent technological advances have made it easier than ever to decouple offices from jobs. They have also released a surge of in...

Understanding the gig economy

The future of work is clouded by two contrasting visions. One is a daydream with a laptop and a sea view, where highly-skilled w...

5 alternatives to the same old resume

Traditional resumes are being challenged by innovative alternatives like LinkedIn profiles, infographic resumes, social resumes,...

Lost lessons from the invention of the interview

Among Thomas Alva Edison’s lesser known inventions was the modern job interview. The wizard of the original Menlo Park (New Jers...

The future of work has been foretold

If you work at a technology company you could be forgiven for thinking that all offices are slowly transforming into one big fut...

The state of small business hiring in 2015

As Small Business Saturday draws near — a day when consumers are encouraged to shop small and shop local — we’re sharing an over...

HR Tech World takeaways: employer branding tools and international hiring tips

Did you miss Day One of #HRTechWorld? We’ve got you covered. From Day Two, we’ve sharing employer branding tools tha...

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