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Addressing resume red flags

Resume red flags aren’t necessarily grounds for instantly disqualifying candidates. However, they may give you more insight into...

Background check red flags

Background checks are crucial in the hiring process as they help employers verify a candidate's information and identify potenti...

company career page

Company career page content: do’s and don’ts

A great careers page is the best way to get potential job candidates to consider your company. However, on average, 90 percent o...

6 illegal interview questions not to ask — and legal alternatives

Most of the time when illegal questions crop up in an interview both the questioner and the candidate are unaware. Whether you w...

4 effective salary negotiation tips for employers

Making an offer to a job candidate is a question of balance. This is not about winning,  it’s about reaching agreement on a sala...

What do the best career pages have in common?

You’ve put a lot of work into your website in order to sell your product. It boasts beautiful design, photos and testimoni...

Interview techniques from experienced interviewers

Experienced interviewers avoid mistakes like lack of preparation, confirmation bias, the Halo Effect, social comparison bias, an...

Stand by me: employee retention strategies from the pros

Most companies realize when they hire someone that it’s not a solemn vow to be together forever. The generation of company...

6 best interview questions for employers: alternatives to cliched questions

Smart interview questions can help interviewers make smart hiring decisions but they have a shelf life. There’s no need to buy i...

Employee engagement strategies that work

Low employee engagement is a global problem. Right now, seven out of ten employees in the US drag their feet to work. This numbe...

5 reasons your careers page costs you candidates

It may sound obvious but your careers page is your shop window. You want to make it easy for candidates to have a look at what&#...

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