HR Tech innovations for finding star employees

On the third and final day of 2015’s HR Technology Conference, the organizers debuted the Ignite format for the closing session, Ideas and Innovations in HR. Today’s three takeaways come from that session. If you couldn’t make it to the conference, catch up with our recaps for Day 1 and Day 2.
Go ahead, hire the chaos muppets
@kris_dunn great slides/5 min presentation at #HRTechConf
— Aliah Wright (@aliahwrites) October 21, 2015
Low rules (thrives in chaos) + high details (big picture perspective) = winning combination in #hiring via @kris_dunn. #HRTechConf
— Workable (@Workable) October 21, 2015
According to, chaos muppets are internally chaotic. But what if they are actually experts at navigating external chaos? Kris Dunn asserted that the latter type are great people to hire. He said that “low rules” employees thrive in ambiguity and can look beyond the manual to find new solutions. He’s written about this before, but today he added that high-performers are people who are “low rules” but high on details and big picture perspective. What do you think? Do your star employees fit this profile?
Treat your job candidates like your best customers
Eric Winegardner from Monster – Candidates = Customers. We need t o treat them as such. #HRTechConf
— Culture Amp (@CultureAmp) October 21, 2015
A1: Candidates should be treated as customers too #TChat #HRTechConf #recruiting
— Harold Sinnott 📲 (@HaroldSinnott) October 21, 2015
Behemoth companies like Delta, IBM, and Marriott are candidate experience obsessives and all three chanted “candidates are customers” at #HRTechConf. The logic is that you want repeat candidates as much as you want repeat customers and so you treat them to a great experience at every opportunity. An easier job application experience (e.g. on mobile devices) was a priority. Is mobile apply just for enterprises? Nope. Workable career sites are mobile-friendly and our mission is to help ambitious companies hire like the big guys.
It’s time to get better at career pathing
86% of ees leave due to a lack of career development and … #HRTechConf
— Aliah Wright (@aliahwrites) October 21, 2015
talent banking vs. talent trapping – BRILLIANT @CareerEngager Too many managers hoard talent #hrtechconf JoMillsCEG
— 🥵 NoMorePlz2023 (@upsydedwnerth) October 21, 2015
#HRTechConf #ignite Reimagining career pathing… @CareerEngager
— MervynDinnen (@MervynDinnen) October 21, 2015
From Jo Mills, co-founder and president of Fuel50, we learned that 86% of employees leave companies due to a lack of career development, resulting in a serious internal skills shortage down the line. To prevent that, employers should be sharing clear pathways for career growth with their new hires from day one. Also, instead of hoarding talent, managers should be helping employees start conversations with other teams and encouraging lateral moves within the company.
That concludes our recap of day three. Questions, corrections, comments? Get in touch at @Workable.