The Great Divide: 4 Things About Gen Z’s Work Ethic You Probably Didn’t Know
From work ethic to wages, learn why Gen Z challenges stereotypes and what it takes to attract and retain this ambitious generation.

Heading into this article, you probably think that you know everything about Gen Z. You’ve watched news segments about them, read stories online, and chances are you’re related to some of them too. As a member of Gen Z, I’m here to suggest you get rid of any preconceived notions you might have about us because there’s a very good chance you’ll find yourself surprised by them in more ways than one.
To begin, let’s go over some stereotypes that you may have heard about Gen Z. According to a 2022 study, the words used to describe the generation most were “selfish,” “creative,” and “outgoing.” While some Gen Z participants agreed that they were “individualistic” and “technology-obsessed,” others disagreed by saying that it’s “unrealistic to expect a single label to apply to an entire generation of individuals.”
Now that we’ve established some context, let’s dive into Gen Z’s work ethic.
1. Efficiency vs. Laziness – Gen Z is not the lazy generation.
When a new generation comes of age, they’re labeled lazy – like clockwork. Before Gen Z, it was Millennials. Before them, it was Gen X and Baby Boomers. A study published in the Journal of Business and Psychology put this sentiment to the test. They found that attitudes surrounding work change over time as one ages, but are not affected by generational make-up. Instead of seeing the younger generation as sluggish, try seeking tips from them on how to efficiently use your time in the office.
2. Motivation – Gen Z have a plan for their career and are taking action.
The COVID-19 pandemic has left a lot of members of Gen Z feeling stagnant. In an effort to combat this, career progression is more important than ever. Gen Z are looking for careers where they can evolve and climb the career ladder. If you’re looking to retain this sector of the workforce, be sure they’re aware of any mentorship and/or development programs you may offer. Gen Z are hungry and ready to prove themselves. Make sure they can do it at your company and not your competitors’.
3. Knowledge – Gen Z is more work savvy than you may think.
I recently resigned from a position that wasn’t working for a multitude of reasons. When it came time to sign my paperwork, my employer asked me to write why I was leaving. I knew that was not information I had to disclose. I’m fairly sure that my manager didn’t think I knew my rights. I asked her if I needed to write down a reason and she said, “no, but…” That told me all I needed to know.
The entire process was a lesson in how not to part with an employee, including pushing my last day multiple times due to payroll issues and expecting me to work after I had put in my two weeks. Long story short, all of this left an even more sour taste in my mouth when it came to the company. Even if I’d had a wonderful time working with them, I would no longer feel comfortable recommending the company to my peers due to the condescending nature of my last few weeks there.
4. Standards – They won’t settle for pay that can’t cover their rent.
In a time where gas prices are higher than ever and the cost of some milk is an hour of work at minimum wage, Gen Z is not keen to settle for entry-level positions that don’t pay them a liveable wage. With many entry-level jobs requiring three to five years of experience and only paying $42,500 a year, one can understand why this generation is less than thrilled when presented with “opportunities” that will supposingly provide them with great exposure.
When Gen Z goes through months or even years of job searching, being ghosted after spending time interviewing for jobs, and receiving more rejections than one can keep track of, one might think that they’d settle for the first offer. These experiences build character, leaving those job searchers more determined than ever to secure a position that meets their requirements.
What does this mean for employers and HR professionals? It means that they need to take a look in the mirror. Could you really live off of the salary of your entry-level positions? If your employees need a second job just to sustain themselves, that means they’re less focused in the office and are unable to work overtime – potentially losing the company money in productivity alone. It’s up to you to decide what you value more, your budget or your company’s reputation.
In conclusion, we all want the same things, regardless of what generation we fall into. It’s also interesting to note that at some point, the things that are being said about my generation were being said about yours. The best advice I can offer you is to follow the golden rule and treat people the way you’d like to be treated. By doing so, you’ll be building a workplace where employees love to work and customers love to do business.