HR Toolkit | Tutorials | Εmployee engagement |
‘I’m faking my paternity leave’: a Reddit post calls for HR action
The phenomenon of faking paternity or maternity leave, as highlighted by a recent Reddit post, serves as a stark reminder of the...

Inside HR | Stories & Insights | Tech & Data |
AI has a positive impact on job creation, and we have proof of it
AI has entered our lives, bringing promises of transforming work and task management. Amidst fears of job loss, let's stay optim...

HR Toolkit | Tutorials | Εmployee engagement |
How to implement talent mapping in your organization
Today more than ever, the pressure on HR professionals to not only manage but strategically develop the workforce has never been...

Inside HR | Stories & Insights | Workplace |
The hybrid model could be a step closer to RTO
The ropes are tightening, and employers are starting to regain the power they lost when the health crisis broke out in 2020. The...

Inside HR | Stories & Insights | Better practices |
Employee layoffs: HR lessons from Cloudflare’s incident
Recent events at Cloudflare have shown, in a hard way, the impact of HR from the beginning of the hiring journey to the end of i...

Tutorials | Technology |
5 signs your company is ready for an HRIS
Does it feel like it's the proper time for a transition to an HRIS? Wait, you don't know when this time comes? Here are five sig...

Inside HR | Stories & Insights | Better Hiring |
Skills-based hiring: do we even need degrees for jobs now?
Gone are the days when a college degree was the golden ticket to career opportunities. Now, in boardrooms and HR departments acr...

Inside HR | Stories & Insights | Trends |
Job shift shock: the trend that intimidates HR professionals
Have you ever felt that you didn't fit in from day one at your new job? Did you feel like you weren't given the space to adjust?...

Inside HR | Stories & Insights | Trends |
Augmented workforce is not the future – it’s happening now
An estimated 87% of executives expect job roles to be augmented, rather than replaced, by generative AI. This trend varies acros...

Inside HR | Stories & Insights | Learning & Development |
L&D trends for 2024: reports find there’s no more one-size-fits-all
We have read four high-level reports about learning and development for you, and here are our thoughts. Navigate through the big...

Inside HR | Stories & Insights | Tech & Data |
Top AI in Hiring statistics in 2024
Discover the future of hiring with relevant statistics. Explore how AI is changing recruitment, from increasing efficiency to en...

HR Toolkit | Tutorials | Posting jobs |
Top job boards in Singapore for posting your job ads
Today’s job boards are not just simple listings, they are sophisticated platforms offering a myriad of services such as applican...