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Alexandros Pantelakis

Alexandros Pantelakis

Alex is Workable's Content Specialist. His passion for new technologies and human resources is evident, as he stays abreast of the latest industry trends. Beyond his professional achievements, he is known for his engaging and humorous personality. A fun fact about him is when he booked three flights to attend a concert of his favorite artist and all of them were cancelled due to different reasons.

common pitfalls in HRIS implementation

Avoiding common pitfalls in HRIS implementation

Implementing a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) can be a transformative step for organizations aiming to streamline HR p...

Optimize your Hybrid work environments

Optimize your hybrid work environments – Here’s how

Yes, you can optimize your hybrid work environments to make it easier for everyone to live and work in these peculiar times. The...

skill-based hiring - companies are lying

What if skills-based hiring doesn’t work?

A lot has been said and written in the last few months about the era of skill-based hiring. We have seen catchy titles stating t...

AI supports rto

How can AI support your RTO efforts? Check our strategy

Companies want their employees back to the office but until now they didn’t think of the complexities they have to face. The tra...

job shadowing

Job shadowing at work – How can it benefit your organization?

In the world of work, the concept of a shadow often conjures images of something insubstantial or following silently without imp...

onboarding buddy

Νew hire struggling? Onboarding buddies can help you (+checklist)

We have all been in this position when starting a new job and finding ourselves struggling with easy, everyday tasks. We want to...

AI-driven HR KPIs

What are the new KPIs for HR in this new AI-driven world?

As AI technologies become increasingly integrated into HR operations, there is a pressing need to redefine Key Performance Indic...

fake paternity leave hr actions

‘I’m faking my paternity leave’: a Reddit post calls for HR action

The phenomenon of faking paternity or maternity leave, as highlighted by a recent Reddit post, serves as a stark reminder of the...

AI impact on job creation

AI has a positive impact on job creation, and we have proof of it

AI has entered our lives, bringing promises of transforming work and task management. Amidst fears of job loss, let's stay optim...

talent mapping

How to implement talent mapping in your organization

Today more than ever, the pressure on HR professionals to not only manage but strategically develop the workforce has never been...

remote work and accessibility

The hybrid model could be a step closer to RTO

The ropes are tightening, and employers are starting to regain the power they lost when the health crisis broke out in 2020. The...

Employee layoffs: HR lessons from Cloudflare’s incident

Recent events at Cloudflare have shown, in a hard way, the impact of HR from the beginning of the hiring journey to the end of i...

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