Need a new HRIS? Our new buyer’s guide is packed with all the things you need to know. Get your free guide now

Alexandros Pantelakis

Alexandros Pantelakis

Alex is Workable's Content Specialist. His passion for new technologies and human resources is evident, as he stays abreast of the latest industry trends. Beyond his professional achievements, he is known for his engaging and humorous personality. A fun fact about him is when he booked three flights to attend a concert of his favorite artist and all of them were cancelled due to different reasons.

5 signs your company is ready for an HRIS

Does it feel like it's the proper time for a transition to an HRIS? Wait, you don't know when this time comes? Here are five sig...

Lying in resumes

Skills-based hiring: do we even need degrees for jobs now?

Gone are the days when a college degree was the golden ticket to career opportunities. Now, in boardrooms and HR departments acr...

recruitment and retention strategies

Job shift shock: the trend that intimidates HR professionals

Have you ever felt that you didn't fit in from day one at your new job? Did you feel like you weren't given the space to adjust?...

psychological safety at work

Augmented workforce is not the future – it’s happening now

An estimated 87% of executives expect job roles to be augmented, rather than replaced, by generative AI. This trend varies acros...

L&D trends for 2024: reports find there’s no more one-size-fits-all

We have read four high-level reports about learning and development for you, and here are our thoughts. Navigate through the big...

artificial intelligence in human resources

Top AI in Hiring statistics in 2024

Discover the future of hiring with relevant statistics. Explore how AI is changing recruitment, from increasing efficiency to en...

scaling your hiring - 5 tips

Top job boards in Singapore for posting your job ads

Today’s job boards are not just simple listings, they are sophisticated platforms offering a myriad of services such as applican...

employee management solutions

Maybe a no-frills employee management tool is all you need

With a plethora of advanced HRIS (Human Resource Information System) solutions flooding the market, it's easy to get overwhelmed...

Inspire your workforce to use AI

Inspire your workforce to embrace and excel with AI

For HR professionals and small and medium-sized business (SMB) employers, understanding and navigating the new terrain of AI is ...

playbook for career growth

Laid off in 2024? Here’s your career growth playbook

Losing your job can be a disorienting and stressful experience, affecting not just your financial stability but also your sense ...

HRIS sooner and cheaper

Why a growing business needs an HRIS soon (and cheaply, too)

With the demands of managing diverse workforces, ensuring compliance, and driving organizational performance, the need for a rob...

Real-life healthcare interview questions

53+ real-life interview questions for healthcare roles

Navigating the intricacies of healthcare staffing requires a discerning approach, and at the heart of any successful recruitment...

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