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return to a new world of work

Return to a new world of work: Get ready with these 5 insights

Return to work. The “new normal”. The “next normal”. All these and more are being discussed en masse as different economies and ...

remote work

Remote work trailblazer: Insights from SmartBug Media’s founder

Ryan Malone had a bold idea in the late 2000s when he launched his new chapter as CEO of SmartBug Media: What if we were all to ...

employee burnout

Employee burnout for employers: costs, causes and cures

Have you ever felt so exhausted and disheartened that you just don’t want to go to work? Many of us have these moments — p...

Why HR for startups is a good thing

HR in startups is critical for growth and efficiency. It aids in hiring, developing, and retaining employees. HR practices can p...

Why even ‘casual’ companies should have dress codes

Companies should have dress codes to define what professionalism looks like in their workplace. Dress codes can clarify roles, c...

Holacracy after the hype: lessons for business

It has often been tough to separate Holacracy from its accompanying hype. The alternative management system, meant to distribute...

The false economy of unpaid internships

The word ‘intern’ has an ironic double meaning: to work as a trainee and to confine someone as a prisoner. Most articles about u...

Performance review alternatives to the traditional approach

The traditional approach to performance appraisals has long been in need of a rethink, with some smart companies looking at perf...

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