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Your Hiring Pulse report for May 2022
In April’s Hiring Pulse, we doubled down on the importance of a standardized hiring process and supplemented that with a deep di...

Your Hiring Pulse report for April 2022
In March’s Hiring Pulse, we dove deep into the importance of maintaining high-quality recruitment during these uncertain times o...

Your Hiring Pulse report for March 2022
Last month, in February’s Hiring Pulse, we went into depth on the lack of candidates for open roles in our employer network. If ...

Your Hiring Pulse report for February 2022
In the Hiring Pulses up to this point, we’ve highlighted the ever-shortening Candidates per Hire metric combined with a quicker ...

Your Hiring Pulse report for January 2022
In the Hiring Pulses up to this point, we’ve highlighted the ever-shortening Candidates per Hire metric combined with a quicker ...

Flexible work hours: it’s important for 58% of US workers, survey finds
According to our New World of Work survey, 44.9% of businesses cited staggered or flexible work schedules as a major change in t...

Flexible schedules a must for 57% of UK workers: Great Discontent survey
According to our New World of Work survey, 44.9% of businesses cited staggered or flexible work schedules as a major change in t...

Your Hiring Pulse report for December 2021
In November’s Hiring Pulse, we attempted to drive the conversation beyond the “Big Quit” – or the “Great Resignation” or whateve...

Your Hiring Pulse report for November 2021
In October’s Hiring Pulse, we wrote that we’re more in a “new time” as opposed to a “crazy time” when it comes to hiring, retent...

Integrating work and home a top benefit of working remotely in US
According to our New World of Work survey in August 2020, the advent of flexible work is one of the biggest workplace changes co...

Benefits of working remotely: UK workers get back an hour a day – and they like it
According to our New World of Work survey in August 2020, the advent of flexible work is one of the biggest workplace changes co...

Not everyone in the US values the same things in a job
Of course, people are not all the same. While compensation remains first and foremost across all groups regardless of gender, mi...