Backstage at Workable
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New release: snooze a candidate
It’s not even summer yet, and already 2016 is proving to be a big year for us. The team is expanding, we’ve just moved into new ...

New Workable-Zapier integration saves time with automation
To make your hiring life a little easier we’ve teamed up with Zapier, a service which connects hundreds of apps, to let you auto...

Workable teams up with Facebook to help mobile startups grow
Workable is getting together with Facebook to support the FbStart program that helps mobile startups grow into great companies. ...

Inbox-zero recruiting
Workable is recruiting software made for teams. When you're focussed on trying to find the best candidate for the job, the last ...

Post jobs to multiple job boards
Getting better exposure for your jobs is important to your business. We know. Free job boards can be a very effective way to att...

A manifesto for better hiring software
We made Workable, because applicant tracking was, well, not workable. Our design manifesto was pretty straightforward....

Help us re-invent hiring
We are delighted to announce the launch of Workable beta. We’d also love you to try it out and see how Workable can help organiz...

It should be simple. Now it’s Workable.
The Workable concept was born out of our frustration with the way hiring works in most modern companies....

Business software UIs don’t need to be ugly
At Workable, we take special pride in our user experience design. We believe that software for business has suffered too long fr...