Hiring Solutions & Resources

Attract the right talent faster with our new Jobbio integration
Jobbio’s careers marketplace empowers companies to attract targeted talent through smart advertising and extensive content place...

Use Workable’s integration with co-hire for sourcing tech talent
Start meaningful conversations and secure more interviews Demand for developers, designers and data scientists often outstrips s...

Workable integrates with Jobs on Facebook for easier, high-volume hiring
Jobs on Facebook is a game-changing addition to our existing job board portfolio. Now, you can advertise jobs on Facebook —...

Boost job visibility and analytics with our latest Indeed Sponsored Jobs integration
Shine a spotlight on your open roles While all your jobs posted via Workable are searchable on Indeed, as other companies advert...

How we developed Auto-Suggest: the data science behind our new automated talent sourcing tool
Auto-Suggest is talent acquisition technology which generates a longlist of up to 200 suggested candidates for any role created ...

LinkedIn InMail template for recruiters: Sourcing for a specific position
LinkedIn is great for advertising open roles or sharing them with your network. As a recruiter, you can also proactively reach o...

The best recruiting email templates for all scenarios
Busy hiring periods call for quick solutions, especially if you’re working in leaner teams with a leaner budget and your m...

How to source candidates in a GDPR-compliant way with Workable
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the new European data protection law and it applies to all organisations that p...

The most common recruiting challenges and how to overcome them
Recruiting in this day and age is a challenge, indeed. It’s getting more so with leaner teams and leaner budgets – but wit...

The reasons recruiters use job boards
If you believe the naysayers right now, I think we’re supposed to be submitting video resumes via blockchain… but we aren’t. The...

Recruiting for overseas jobs: Tips for sourcing and securing tech talent across continents
Recruiting, and especially recruiting for overseas jobs, isn’t just about tracking down the right candidate, it’s also about cre...

How to use job portals for recruitment
Job portals, or job boards, are sites where you can advertise jobs and search for resumes. They are an integral part of almost e...