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Hiring Solutions & Resources


Communication with candidates in the midst of COVID-19

One way or another, the COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted your hiring process. Perhaps you’re in a temporary hiring freeze but wan...

Best tech tools for the virtual workplace

So, you're ready to embark on a full digital transformation for your business. But there are always going to be challenges – pri...

digital transformation

Digital transformation: how to ensure it won’t fail

Disrupting business models with tech, implementing emerging technologies, innovating with AI. It all sounds promising, but if do...

DX and recruitment

Digital transformation of recruitment: How can you benefit?

Let’s have a quick look at a recruiter’s daily routine: You probably spend most of the day making calls and sending emails to sc...

candidate experience strategy

How to fix your candidate experience strategy

Panicking over negative Glassdoor reviews? Wondering why you lose candidates after the assessment phase? Experimenting with a ‘s...

hiring healthcare specialists

How to Hire: 6 tips to succeed in healthcare recruiting

Healthcare recruiting, while challenging due to talent scarcity and high turnover, can be optimized. Strategies include using ni...

opening a business in a new country

Starting a business in another country: Learn from those who did it

Starting a business in another country can be a strategic move to tap into new markets or talent pools. However, it requires car...

hiring construction workers

Hiring construction workers: 5 essential tips to get the best candidates

To hire construction workers effectively, write a detailed job ad, post on effective job boards, offer apprenticeships, use empl...

future of talent acquisition

The future of talent acquisition: Two experts talk about recruitment tech in 2020

Can you imagine the recruitment process without tech? Probably not – we’ve come a long way from the plain hiring signs, walk-ins...

Recruitment marketing strategy: why it pays to be authentic

Susan's negative work experience at White Lies hurt the company's employer brand in the eyes of aspiring candidates. Here's what...

Holiday characters in the workplace

A Christmas fairy tale: the workplace edition

December 24th. 8:55 am. Coffee in hand. Just like every weekday morning for the past five years, you’re about to walk into your ...

pragmatic recruiting framework

The Pragmatic Recruiting Framework: A lesson from marketing

I’m not a fan of the tired rhetoric of “Recruitment is just like X”. But let’s face facts: every discipline can learn something ...

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