Hiring Solutions & Resources
Candidate experience
A great candidate experience reflects the candidate's journey from the moment they apply or get sourced until the end of your hiring process. Learn how to build an experience that will leave your candidates swooning over your company.
The problem with hiring for ‘culture fit’
Culture fit is trending again—but not in a good way. In the 70s, organizational psychologist John Morse conducted an experiment ...
Giving interview feedback: the dos and don’ts
Do you find it easy giving interview feedback to rejected candidates? If so, you’re one of the lucky few. Most interviewers are ...
Addressing interview red flags
Malcolm Gladwell famously wrote in his bestselling book, ‘Blink,’ that “the key to good decision making is not knowl...
How to assess soft skills in an interview
How can you tell whether a candidate who looks good ‘on paper’ will be good ‘in person’? Soft skills make all the difference. So...
Structured interview questions: Tips and examples for hiring
Have you decided to shift towards structured interview questions? Good call. Structured interviews are twice as effective as uns...
How to read candidate body language in an interview
Often, interviewers think candidates who slouch are bored or arrogant and decide to turn them down. But, how much should we trus...
Addressing resume red flags
Resume red flags aren’t necessarily grounds for instantly disqualifying candidates. However, they may give you more insight into...
9 common interviewer mistakes that put off candidates
Interviewers can get away with mistakes more easily than interviewees. Candidates are supposed to stress about how to create a p...
Background check red flags
Performing a background check is a good way to avoid making a problematic hire. But background checks are not a pass/fail system...
The new look job editor
A new way to navigate When you create a job in Workable, we walk you through the process step by step. From writing the job desc...
New release: Interview kits and scorecards!
This is a feature that many of you have requested, to help guide a structured interview process. When you’re hiring as a team, s...
Pre-employment testing: a selection of popular tests
Learn the strengths and limitations of the 7 most popular tests and how to best use them in your recruiting efforts. Many compan...