Hiring Solutions & Resources
Candidate experience
A great candidate experience reflects the candidate's journey from the moment they apply or get sourced until the end of your hiring process. Learn how to build an experience that will leave your candidates swooning over your company.
Company career page content: do’s and don’ts
A great careers page is the best way to get potential job candidates to consider your company. However, on average, 90 percent o...
6 illegal interview questions not to ask — and legal alternatives
Most of the time when illegal questions crop up in an interview both the questioner and the candidate are unaware. Whether you w...
How to improve your careers page design
Your careers page is the best place to attract new candidates. As prospective employees look through your website, they should g...
Evaluate candidates with a pre-employment assessment test
In your hiring process, it’s important to accurately gauge the skill level of your candidates as it pertains to their ability to...
How to make a phone screen interview worthwhile
An effective phone screen interview is your best insurance against pointless interviews. Without it, you risk wasting the time o...
How to conduct a structured interview
A structured interview is a systematic approach to interviewing where you ask the same predetermined questions to all candidates...
What do the best career pages have in common?
You’ve put a lot of work into your website in order to sell your product. It boasts beautiful design, photos and testimoni...
Pre-employment screening: tips to navigate awkward conversations
When it’s handled clumsily, pre-employment screening has the potential to drive a wedge between employers and employees. Employe...
Understanding interviews per offer and interviews per hire KPIs
Recruiting metrics help you invest your recruiting budget in ways that bring the highest return to your business. Knowing what t...
Why you should always write a post-interview rejection letter
Writing a post-interview rejection letter is not a task anyone enjoys. It’s an easy one to fumble but it’s much worse to a...
Tips for choosing the best background check service
Employment background checks are growing in importance with more employers conducting them. With a mushrooming of services and i...
Interview techniques from experienced interviewers
Interviews have been the hardest part of the hiring process throughout their history. The best interview techniques for employer...