New World of Work survey report: Methodology and firmographics

This includes the methodology and firmographics from our New World of Work survey report which was published in August 2020. More than 350 respondents filled out the 30-question survey, resulting in numerous compelling insights both for business and recruitment interests.

Content team
Content team

Content manager Keith MacKenzie and content specialist Alex Pantelakis bring their HR & employment expertise to Resources.

The survey was sent out to HR professionals, talent acquisition professionals, and business leaders in early June 2020. A total of 366 around the world completed the 30-question survey, representing a broad cross section of company sizes, industries, regions, functions, and job levels.

The majority of respondents were from companies in the 100-499 employee range, in IT/Technology, operating in the United States or Canada, in HR, and at the manager/director level.

The future’s ours to determine

COVID-19 has shifted the way we work – and some of it, permanently. Our New World of Work survey found a great deal of uncertainty about the road ahead, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Learn more in our in-depth report

Number of full-time employees:

Main industry:

Region of business operation:

Primary function of department:

Job level:

Want to read more? Check out the full report here.

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