Three winning recruiting tips from HR Tech World

Christine Del Castillo
Christine Del Castillo

Former Community Manager at Workable specialized in employee experience, talent brands and our event series, Workable Ideas.

Last week we covered #HRTechConf from Las Vegas. This week, we’re in Paris, bringing you the best of #HRTechWorld. Our three picks from Day One include Hootsuite’s mission-driven hiring philosophy, Yves Morieux’s cure for active disengagement, and tips from Amazon and Yahoo for turning hiring managers into powerhouse recruiters and sourcers.

Hootsuite has a point of view on hiring. Do you?

Richard Branson was the headliner for today’s closing session — and it’s always great to hear him talk — but it was Hootsuite’s approach to hiring that caught our attention. They know exactly who they want (people who believe that social media is changing the way the world works) and what they can offer. Ambrosia Vertesi, Hootsuite’s VP of Talent, says the company is especially committed to developing the rising generation of talent with mentorships and other career growth opportunities.

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“Active disengagement” is an epidemic

According to these stats, one in five of your employees may be “actively disengaged.” The term, coined by Gallup, refers to people who are actively working against the interests of your company. Yves Morieux of BCG says this toxic situation can be fixed through cooperation. Note that cooperation isn’t about making sure people like each other. It’s about giving everyone the support and skills they need to succeed so that the entire team can devote more time to actual productivity.

How involved should hiring managers be in recruiting?

Hiring managers at some of the world’s top companies (Amazon, Yahoo, T-Mobile, eBay) have a massive impact on recruiting. At Groupon, candidates are three to five times more likely to open LinkedIn emails from hiring managers. At Yahoo, hiring managers devote a week of their time to “sourcing sprints.” To celebrate hiring wins, great hiring managers at Amazon are recognized on the intranet. At eBay, they get a cocktail party. Thanks, John Vlastelica, for the ideas.

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