Alexandra Marinaki

Alexandra Marinaki

Alexandra was a content marketing specialist at Workable. She is a psychologist with a MSc in Talent Development and Creativity. She is interested in performance coaching and employee wellbeing, and she can't live without art. You can find her on LinkedIn.

DX and recruitment

Digital transformation of recruitment: How can you benefit?

Let’s have a quick look at a recruiter’s daily routine: You probably spend most of the day making calls and sending emails to sc...

candidate experience strategy

How to fix your candidate experience strategy

Panicking over negative Glassdoor reviews? Wondering why you lose candidates after the assessment phase? Experimenting with a ‘s...

hiring healthcare specialists

How to Hire: 6 tips to succeed in healthcare recruiting

Healthcare recruiting, while challenging due to talent scarcity and high turnover, can be optimized. Strategies include using ni...

Screening applicants

Screening applicants: best methods and handy tips

Screening applicants involves reviewing resumes and cover letters, verifying qualifications, and assessing the candidate's exper...

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