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Hiring Solutions & Resources

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Five fun and useful presents-resources for recruiters

Resources for recruiters: 5 fun and useful presents

Who said holiday presents can’t be both fun and useful? Okay, we’re not talking about the presents we look forward to receiving ...

hr document management software

What is HR document management software?

Human resources is a people-based industry, and people come with a lot of information that needs to be collected, reviewed, shar...

four-day workweek

Implementing an alternating four-day workweek: how & why

When the pandemic hit, we at Service Direct, like countless other businesses around the world, quickly found ourselves trying to...

Can’t afford to pay more? Be radically transparent with candidates

Ever read an article that confirmed your thinking that the world of work has gone mad? This was me, as I read an article from Bu...

Recruiter burnout

Recruiter burnout: Why it’s happening and what you can do

Talent attraction and retention consultant Roberta Matuson shares her expert insights on the extra burden of workload facing you...

Should you include salary in a job description? Let’s talk!

Including salary in job descriptions can promote transparency and attract suitable candidates, but it may also deter potential a...

new rules of engagement in talent attraction

The rules of talent engagement are changing: What’s new now?

You’ve heard of the great resignation, and you’ve heard that candidates now ghost employers rather than the other way around. Do...

Is salary important? yes it is

Is salary important to workers? Bet your bottom dollar it is

Salary is crucial to workers, with a majority open to new opportunities primarily to earn more. While factors like fresh challen...

Is salary important in the UK? Yes it quite is

How valued is salary in the UK? Quite a bit, actually

At the very core of the traditional worker-employer relationship is compensation. And unsurprisingly, our survey results from ou...

Employees with addiction

Employees with addiction: 7 tips to retain them during treatment

About 10% of Americans have experienced drug addiction at some point in their lives. If your employee is struggling with this di...

4 employee value proposition examples to survive the Great Resignation

To create an effective Employee Value Proposition, gather feedback, identify key points, communicate through relevant channels, ...

Whole-person leadership

Whole-person leadership: Lead your employees as people

Since early 2020, business leaders and their employees have been carefully navigating uncharted waters together. They have both ...

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