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Suzanne Lucas

Suzanne Lucas

Suzanne Lucas spent 10 years in corporate human resources, where she hired, fired, managed the numbers, and double-checked with the lawyers. She now works as a consultant on all of the above.

webmd RTO video

WebMD’s RTO video: it’s mega cringe, but reflects today’s reality

WebMD's return-to-office video is incredibly awkward to watch, but the Evil HR Lady reminds us that it's a great lesson on commu...

Reverse ageism: why do companies avoid Gen Z workers?

Age discrimination is unexpectedly affecting Gen Z in the workforce. Managers prefer seasoned workers according to an Intellgent...

negative outcome for hr in 2024

If you have a negative outlook for HR in 2024, you can fix it now

How can HR shift from negativity to positivity in 2024? Uncover the simple shifts that can propel your team from the shadows of ...

executive dismissal

Executive dismissal at OpenAI: many lessons for businesses

OpenAI's firing of Sam Altman, followed by a reinstatement amidst employee backlash, highlights the importance of transparency a...

work-life balance boundaries

Work-life boundaries: establish them ahead of time

How do you manage the unspoken expectation of managers for employees to be available beyond working hours? Learn the difference ...

Clean out those HR cobwebs: 6 outdated practices to get rid of

It's time to identify and discard those outdated HR practices if you want to be respected as an HR professional. Learn what they...

Killer phrases in HR: don’t use them, or you’ll erode trust

The Evil HR Lady looks at how certain boillerplate phrases used by HR professionals can erode trust and confidence among employe...


WFH vs. RTO: what really works for your business

Forget the sensational headlines. WFH vs. RTO isn't one-size-fits-all. Learn how to make informed decisions that suit your busin...

how to fire anyone

How to fire anyone without legal repercussions

Ever hesitated to fire an underperforming employee due to fear of legal action? Our guide on how to fire anyone demystifies the ...

affirmative action in hiring

Affirmative action in hiring: challenges and solutions

The recent Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action in higher education may ripple into the business world. Big-name corporati...

going viral as employer

Going viral as an employer – for all the wrong reasons

Explore the real implications of your company going viral. Understand why fostering a stable, legally compliant business may pro...

How to help employees return to office

How to help employees return to office: it’s more than mandates

The Evil HR Lady goes into why your company's successful transition back to offices hinges on more than just coaxing white-colla...

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