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Ready for September’s hiring surge? Recruit better and faster

As summer draws to a close, HR professionals across industries are gearing up for what is traditionally one of the busiest hiring seasons of the year: the September surge. This period presents a crucial opportunity for organizations to secure top talent, but it also comes with its own set of challenges, particularly in a competitive job market.

Alexandros Pantelakis
Alexandros Pantelakis

HR content specialist at Workable, delivering in-depth, data-driven articles to offer insights into industry and tech trends.


Understanding the dynamics at play for the hiring surge and preparing strategically can make all the difference in ensuring a successful hiring season.

What is the September hiring surge

The September hiring surge is a well-documented phenomenon where recruitment activity peaks as summer ends. But what drives this trend? Several factors converge to make September a prime month for hiring.

Firstly, the end of summer marks the return of both hiring managers and candidates from vacation, leading to a refocus on recruitment efforts. With kids back in school and business routines normalizing, HR teams can fully dedicate themselves to filling open positions that may have been on hold during the slower summer months.

Secondly, for companies whose fiscal year aligns with the calendar year, September is the beginning of the fourth quarter. This period often sees a push to utilize remaining budget allocations before year-end, making it a crucial time to finalize hires. HR professionals often find themselves in a race against time, balancing the need to fill roles quickly while still ensuring the right fit.

Finally, the looming holiday season in November and December adds urgency to recruitment efforts. Many organizations prefer to complete their hiring before the holiday slowdown, ensuring new employees are onboarded and ready to contribute at the start of the new year.

This combination of factors creates a perfect storm for hiring, making September a critical month for HR teams.

Current job market 

Understanding the current job market is essential for HR professionals looking to make the most of the September surge. In 2024, the job market has presented unique challenges, with a shift in dynamics that has impacted both job seekers and employers.

Recent data from Workable’s Hiring Pulse reveals an increase in candidates per hire, rising from 177.7 in July to a figure of 183.8 in August (check out our latest hiring pulse.) 

This uptick suggests heightened competition among candidates, making it more important than ever for HR teams to refine their recruitment strategies. While a larger pool of candidates may seem advantageous, it also requires more discerning selection processes to ensure the right hires.

Economic factors have also played a significant role in shaping the job market. Inflation, interest rate fluctuations, and broader economic uncertainties have influenced hiring trends, particularly in white-collar sectors like information technology and professional services. 

These factors have led to more cautious hiring practices, with companies prioritizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness in their recruitment efforts.

In this context, HR professionals need to be agile and strategic, balancing the need to attract top talent with the realities of a more competitive and cautious job market.

Strategic preparation for HR professionals

Given the unique challenges and opportunities of the September hiring surge, HR professionals must be well-prepared to maximize their recruitment efforts. Here are some key strategies to consider:

1. Leverage AI interviews and technology

As technology continues to evolve, more companies are turning to AI to streamline their hiring processes. According to a survey by ResumeBuilder, 43% of companies either already use or plan to adopt AI interviews by 2024.

Two-thirds of these organizations believe that AI interviews will increase hiring efficiency, allowing HR teams to process applications faster and more accurately.

For HR professionals, adopting AI tools can help manage the influx of applications typically seen during the September surge.

AI can assist in initial screenings, identifying candidates who meet the basic qualifications and freeing up time for HR teams to focus on more nuanced evaluations.

However, it’s crucial to balance the use of AI with human oversight to ensure that candidates are assessed fairly and comprehensively.

2. Streamline your hiring process 

With competition for top talent intensifying, efficiency in the hiring process is paramount. This means ensuring that your candidate sourcing, interview scheduling, and decision-making processes are as streamlined as possible. Delays can lead to losing out on top candidates who may accept offers elsewhere.

One approach is to establish clear timelines and accountability within your recruitment team. Regular check-ins and updates can help keep the process on track, while clear communication with candidates ensures they remain engaged and informed throughout. 

Additionally, consider utilizing recruitment software that integrates various stages of the hiring process, from application tracking to interview management.

3. Enhance employer branding

In a competitive market, how your company is perceived by potential candidates can make a significant difference. Employer branding is more than just marketing; it’s about creating a consistent and appealing image of your company as a great place to work.

During the September surge, candidates will likely have multiple offers on the table. A strong employer brand that highlights your company’s values, culture, and employee benefits can help attract top talent. 

This might include updating your company’s career page, sharing employee testimonials, or showcasing your commitment to diversity and inclusion.

4. Proactive networking and outreach

While traditional job postings and application processes remain important, proactive networking can give your company an edge in a crowded market. 

Encourage your team to reach out to potential candidates through platforms like LinkedIn or industry-specific forums. Building relationships before the hiring surge can help you tap into a network of pre-qualified candidates who are more likely to be interested in your openings.

Additionally, consider hosting or participating in industry events and webinars. These platforms allow you to connect with potential candidates and position your company as a leader in your field, further enhancing your recruitment efforts.

Industry-specific hiring insights

Different industries experience the September surge in unique ways, and HR professionals should tailor their strategies accordingly.

In retail, for example, the upcoming holiday season drives a significant portion of September hiring. Retailers need to ensure they have sufficient staff to handle the increased customer flow, which often requires hiring seasonal workers in addition to filling permanent roles. 

HR professionals in this sector should focus on rapid hiring processes and perhaps even on-the-spot job offers to secure talent before competitors.

Healthcare also sees a rise in hiring during this period, particularly as the colder months bring an increase in patient volume. 

For HR teams in healthcare, the focus should be on recruiting qualified medical staff quickly while ensuring compliance with industry regulations and maintaining high standards of care.

In technology and professional services, the September surge is often about filling roles that require specialized skills. 

Here, HR professionals should prioritize thorough vetting processes and competitive compensation packages to attract the best candidates in a tight labor market.

By understanding the specific needs and challenges of their industry, HR professionals can better align their strategies with the demands of the September surge, ensuring they attract and retain the talent necessary to drive their organizations forward.

What to expect this year

As HR professionals gear up for the September surge, it’s crucial to consider how this year’s hiring trends might differ from previous years. 

The job market in 2024 has been characterized by heightened competition and cautious hiring practices, particularly in white-collar sectors. While the September surge historically brings an uptick in hiring activity, several factors could influence its intensity this year.

Economic uncertainties remain a significant factor. Inflation, interest rate fluctuations, and broader economic conditions have led many companies to adopt a more conservative approach to hiring. 

This caution is particularly evident in sectors like information technology and professional services, where job growth has been relatively sluggish.

Moreover, the evolving role of technology in the hiring process cannot be overlooked. The increased adoption of AI interviews is expected to streamline hiring, but it may also lead to a more selective recruitment process. 

With 43% of companies planning to implement AI interviews by 2024, and two-thirds of them anticipating increased hiring efficiency, HR professionals need to be prepared for a landscape where technology plays a critical role in candidate assessment.

Despite these challenges, there is still optimism about the September surge. While it may not reach the aggressive levels seen in past years, the surge will likely provide a crucial opportunity for HR teams to secure top talent before the year’s end.

The key will be in balancing the need for efficiency with the importance of making thoughtful, strategic hiring decisions.

HR teams should focus on refining their hiring processes, leveraging AI and other technological tools to increase efficiency while maintaining a human touch in candidate assessment. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to make strategic hires that can propel your company toward its goals.

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