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Hiring Solutions & Resources

Working together with others

To thrive in talent acquisition, a symbiotic relationship between recruiters and hiring managers is essential. Dive into our comprehensive resources that foster effective collaboration within your hiring team. From best practices for engaging with hiring managers to essential strategies for collective sourcing, attraction, and evaluation of talent, we ensure seamless teamwork for optimal success.

interview invitation

How to invite a candidate to an interview

To invite a candidate for an interview, communicate professionally and personably, providing details about the interview process...

How to conduct an interview: An interview checklist

Conducting an interview involves preparation, crafting effective questions, experimenting with different formats, practicing you...

Recruiting skills you can learn from non-HR disciplines

Online courses can help you sharpen your recruiting skills. Instead of going back to school to brush up your recruiting knowledg...

Agency vs. in-house recruitment: Which is the right career fit for you?

Agency and in-house recruitment both involve sourcing talent, using HR tools, and building relationships. However, they differ i...

Why hiring managers should own their recruiting pipeline strategy

As a hiring manager, I own the success of my team. That means I need to own their recruiting process and strategy too. Without t...

Group interview activities, tips and ideas for success

To conduct a successful group interview, you need to plan the process, prepare your interviewers, and deliver a strong opening m...

How recruiters and hiring managers can work together

Recruiters and hiring managers share a common goal: finding great candidates as quickly as possible. In a perfect world, their c...

How to explain your structured interview process to candidates

Structured interviews, while more rigid, offer a fair, consistent, and objective hiring process. To make candidates comfortable,...

The pros & cons of interview scorecards

Interview scorecards aid in structured interviews, providing a consistent method to evaluate candidates. They enhance focus, fai...


What defines a good recruiter?

A good recruiter is one who builds strong relationships, thinks ahead, collaborates effectively with hiring managers, keeps an o...


Giving interview feedback: the dos and don’ts

The dos of giving interview feedback include telling the truth, writing creatively, being tactful, praising when possible, and a...


Addressing interview red flags

Malcolm Gladwell famously wrote in his bestselling book, ‘Blink,’ that “the key to good decision making is not knowl...

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