Hiring Solutions & Resources
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Find out how a company’s employer brand plays into your overall recruitment strategy. Learn how to influence positive change to see positive results in your talent attraction strategy.

Employers’ top wins and lessons of 2021 – and what they’re planning for 2022
To understand all of it, we asked SMB employers what their biggest lessons of 2021 were and what their plans are going into 2022...

Top 10 hiring resources to help you hire in 2022
And our top hiring resources are, indisputably, the ones that have the most value to you as employers, recruiters, and HR profes...

Should you include salary in a job description? Let’s talk!
Every candidate is on the lookout for something different, and it’s impossible to tick every box. After running internal and ext...

How do you overcome the Big Quit as an employer?
Who is driving the Great Resignation? Jobs in retail and healthcare are most at risk for high turnover due to the high demands a...

8 new techniques to hire and retain military veterans
There’s no shortage of standard advice offered in books, articles, websites, and at conferences regarding hiring veterans and yo...

The rules of talent engagement are changing: What’s new now?
The old rules of talent attraction The employer posts the job, you apply, beg for a job, and then, if lucky, the employer will o...

Do your corporate values reflect reality?
Many new employees experience buyer’s remorse in their first few months, as they come to realize the differences between what th...

Podcast episode #14: Mental Health at work — fostering a healthier workplace culture
The Big Quit is upon us – and many workers are citing burnout as a factor in why they’re done with the current system. This mean...

Employees with addiction: 7 tips to retain them during treatment
However, this tactic causes problems for both you and your employee. You’ll lose a valuable worker, and your employee will lose ...

Supporting working mothers: it’s now time for a new narrative
Other insights from TopResume include 55% of those still working saying they’d leave their jobs voluntarily if given the option....

ESG as a workforce strategy: post-COVID attraction and retention
One solution may be in developing ESG as a workforce strategy – that is, incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance iss...

4 employee value proposition examples to survive the Great Resignation
Workers are quitting in record numbers this year and it’s causing an already challenging post-pandemic season to be almost unman...