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Tech & Data

Are you intrigued about AI in HR? Need benchmarks and insights on recruiting metrics? Dive into the world of tech and data here.

3 key HR metrics you should track

Key HR metrics: The most important metrics you should track

HR metrics measure how effective the results of your HR operations are, including elements such as employee retention and recrui...


Cost-per-hire metrics, demystified

Calculating cost per hire involves summing all internal and external recruitment expenses and dividing by the total number of hi...

10 signs you need an applicant tracking system

Think of a shortlist of your most effective business tools. Now ask yourself how many of those you wish you’d heard about and st...

Questions to ask about your key recruitment metrics

Hiring metrics, reports and recruitment KPIs are only as useful as the questions they answer about your business. So, before we ...

resume parsing

What is resume parsing and how an applicant tracking system (ATS) reads a resume

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) reads resumes by parsing, or electronically analyzing, the text. It extracts key data like na...

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