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Unlock more hiring insights with the Indeed Recruiter Extension

In the world of recruitment, efficiency is key. Every moment saved in the hiring process can translate into securing top talent for your team. The powerful partnership between Workable and Indeed has given rise to a new tool—the Indeed Recruiter Extension.

Nick DeSimone
Nick DeSimone

Nick is our Senior Product Marketing Manager with a 10-year track record of building best-in-class customer experiences.

The Indeed Recruiter Extension offers hiring insights, job visibility details and matched candidates, all from the comfort of Workable. It can be downloaded as a Google Chrome extension and it works in your browser when you’re using Workable. This new extension is one of many ways Workable’s best in class partnership with Indeed enhances the recruitment experience.

  • Create more competitive job postings: When managing jobs in Workable, get insights like median salary and job title search terms and set your job apart while searching for top talent.
  • Save time with job visibility: Use Indeed’s Recruiter Extension to easily see if the jobs you’ve posted through Workable are live.
  • Match with quality candidates fast: Indeed’s extension can automatically recommend the top candidates that match for any job you post through Workable.

By combining the strengths of both platforms, this extension empowers recruiters to create more competitive job postings, save time through enhanced job visibility, and match with quality candidates at an unprecedented speed.

Install the extension in seconds by downloading it from the Chrome webstore. Use the extension in Workable to access hiring insights and other information from Indeed. Stay ahead in the recruitment game by harnessing the power of Workable and Indeed’s collaborative innovation.

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